SEO Reseller: Advantages & Disadvantages of Reselling SEO Services

Search engine optimization (SEO) stands out as one of the most valuable white label SEO services that a digital marketing agency can provide to its clients. However, there are certain challenges associated with executing SEO effectively.

The technical complexity of SEO can pose difficulties if you lack experienced SEO experts on your team. Achieving results may become a struggle.

SEO is also time-intensive and challenging to scale. This makes it nearly impossible to control costs as you acquire new clients. Furthermore, if issues arise during the provision of SEO services, you may find yourself without a reliable source for troubleshooting.

White label SEO reseller programs exist to help you shift your focus from working in your business to working on your business. They enable you to scale your SEO venture more rapidly. But how can you effectively sell SEO services under your own brand without getting bogged down in operational details? Let’s explore.

Understanding an SEO Reseller Program

Let’s begin with the basics: reselling SEO services.

An SEO reseller program involves two main parties: the SEO reseller and an SEO agency offering SEO services. In this partnership, the SEO reseller attracts new clients interested in digital marketing and SEO services such as link building and technical on-page SEO. The SEO reseller collaborates with white label SEO agency partners, usually at a wholesale rate, to deliver SEO services aimed at improving search rankings, visibility, and website traffic for their clients.

Typically, the SEO reseller appears as the provider of these SEO services, and depending on the arrangement, the end clients may never directly interact with the SEO agency or even be aware of its existence. The SEO reseller often marks up the cost of white label SEO services, generating a profit.

Some SEO resellers act as an extension of the SEO agency’s sales team, promoting their services and serving as account managers. Others offer a suite of marketing services to their clients and use the SEO agency to enhance their offerings.

The diversity of services offered by SEO reseller programs allows for flexibility and can be tailored to various business goals. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

In this guide, we will explore different types of SEO reseller services and how you can leverage them for your own SEO company.

Understanding White Label SEO

In the context of an SEO reseller services program, the term “white label SEO” is often mentioned. This concept is similar to other white label services, though it’s not related to physical products.

White label SEO involves one company offering services that another company can rebrand as their own. While physical products may have a literal “white label” that can be customized with different branding, in white label SEO, services are resold, not physical goods.

Your white label SEO agency may provide you with resources such as keyword research, link building, on-site SEO audits, SEO reseller packages, and monthly SEO reports on ranking progress. You can then repackage and present these to your clients as if they were your own services. Depending on your arrangement, you may also connect your clients with an account manager who appears to be part of your own company.

In a white label agreement, your white label SEO reseller agency may offer a private label non-compete agreement, preventing them from reaching out to your clients without your permission. This is the essence of white label SEO.

Types of SEO Reseller Programs

Within the realm of white label SEO reseller programs, a wide variety of SEO reseller services can be included. These may encompass:

  1. SEO Audits: Conducting an SEO audit is essential when starting with a new client. This report examines various website design elements and off-site factors relevant to on-site SEO and technical SEO. It assesses elements like page titles, descriptions, onsite content, and domain authority, providing insights for the client’s starting point and future direction.
  2. Keyword Research: Keyword research is a crucial service that helps clients target the right keywords and phrases for their SEO success. It identifies high-traffic, low-competition keywords to guide the campaign.
  3. Onsite Content: Onsite content forms the foundation for onsite authority, keyword optimization, and linkable assets for future link-building efforts. Collaborating with an SEO agency for onsite content development ensures a consistent brand voice, especially when used for offsite content as well.
  4. Onsite Optimization: Beyond content, onsite optimization covers areas such as mobile optimization, local SEO, and technical SEO. Technical SEO resellers benefit from access to SEO experts who can troubleshoot and refine campaigns.
  5. Link Building and Offsite Content: Building domain authority through white-hat link-building techniques is vital for ranking improvement. SEO reseller programs often provide access to offsite content and link-building services, with a focus on ethical practices to avoid long-term issues.
  6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Some SEO reseller services programs extend beyond SEO to include complementary services like PPC advertising. This can provide quicker and more predictable results for clients seeking an extra boost in search visibility.
  7. Comprehensive Packages: Most SEO reseller programs are flexible and customizable. As an SEO reseller, you can select the most appropriate white label SEO services for your clients or opt for different SEO reseller packages tailored to each client’s needs. This scalability is a significant advantage of becoming a private label SEO reseller.

Benefits of Being an SEO Reseller

Why should you consider becoming an SEO reseller and reselling SEO services? Here are some compelling reasons:

  1. Access to Experts: Partnering with a professional SEO agency grants you immediate access to seasoned experts. This is especially valuable if your team lacks SEO expertise. Having a team of experienced professionals who can answer questions, troubleshoot campaigns, and execute SEO services efficiently is invaluable.
  2. Reliable Services: SEO reseller programs offer access to reliable services. When you collaborate with a reputable partner, you can rely on their expertise to deliver the results your clients need. Outsourcing SEO services through a white label agency is often more cost-effective than managing campaigns in-house.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Contrary to what you might expect, outsourcing SEO services through a white label program can be more cost-effective than attempting to manage campaigns on your own or hiring full-time SEO staff. These programs typically offer discounted rates on white label SEO services, allowing you to resell SEO services at a profit.
  4. Diverse Service Options: SEO reseller programs enable you to expand your service offerings. Whether you’re starting a digital marketing agency or looking to enhance your existing services, reselling SEO services can be an easy way to upgrade and provide more options for your clients without significant investment.
  5. Mutual Growth: SEO agencies aim to attract more clients to grow, and SEO resellers play a crucial role by extending the agency’s sales network. In turn, SEO white label agencies provide expertise and reliability that SEO resellers can leverage to build stronger client relationships. It’s a path toward mutual growth for both parties.
  6. Scalability: One of the primary benefits of being an SEO reseller is scalability. You can take on as few or as many clients as you want and utilize as many or as few services as needed. This scalability offers flexibility and accommodates your business’s growth.
  7. Learning Opportunities: Your role as an SEO reseller provides valuable learning opportunities. Engaging with your SEO partner, working with a diverse range of end clients, and addressing various challenges will enhance your knowledge of SEO strategies and troubleshooting. Over time, you can become a more proficient SEO expert.

Pricing for SEO Reseller Services

You may be curious about the cost of SEO reseller services. In essence, you’re responsible for paying the wholesale rate for outsourcing SEO services from your chosen SEO agency. There are no additional fees associated with being an SEO reseller.

The cost of purchasing SEO services can vary significantly based on factors such as the SEO agency’s nature, the specific services you require, and the complexity of the campaign. Instead of fixating on finding the lowest price, prioritize quality. High-quality SEO services are often more effective in delivering tangible results for your clients.

Depending on various variables, you can expect to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars per month for comprehensive SEO services of high quality. Alternatively, you can customize your services a la carte to fit within your budget.

Transitioning from Reseller to In-House SEO

After gaining experience as an SEO reseller with a diverse clientele, you may consider transitioning to an in-house SEO model. However, this move is not obligatory and may not necessarily be an upgrade. Many marketing agencies opt to remain SEO resellers, serving their clients effectively while generating profits.

If you choose to bring SEO services in-house, consider a gradual approach. Hire internal SEO experts over time, starting with generalists who understand SEO basics and are willing to learn from your SEO partner. As you gain experience with SEO for your own brand and attract more clients, you can gradually assume responsibility for providing SEO services to your clients.

The advantage of transitioning to in-house SEO is that you have your SEO partner as a backup. If you ever face challenges or become overwhelmed by the workload, your SEO partner can step in to support your efforts.

Remember that mastering SEO is a gradual learning process, and overnight success as an SEO agency is rare.

Keys to a Successful SEO Reseller Relationship

To make the most of your role as an SEO reseller, follow these key tips for a successful partnership:

  1. Cultivate a Relationship: Treat your partnership with your SEO agency as a long-term relationship. The closer you collaborate and understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and processes, the more successful your partnership will be.
  2. Communicate Your Goals: Be transparent about your goals, needs, and priorities. Most SEO agencies are willing to adjust their services to accommodate your requirements, but they need to know what they are.
  3. Understand Your Clients: Take the time to understand your clients thoroughly. Gauge their familiarity with SEO, grasp their brand values, and familiarize yourself with their operations and objectives. This deeper understanding will enable you to provide more tailored services.
  4. Learn About SEO: Even if you intend to be a relatively passive SEO reseller, invest in learning about SEO. Engage actively in the SEO process, ask questions, and challenge your assumptions. Continuously improve your SEO knowledge.
  5. Minimize and Maximize Efforts: Apply the concept of min/maxing by focusing on your strengths and letting your SEO partner handle areas where they excel. Identify your strengths and weaknesses to strike a balance in your collaboration.

Finding a White Label SEO Agency with an SEO Reseller Program

If you’re seeking a reliable white label SEO partner with an SEO reseller program, thorough research is crucial. Partnering with a reputable agency with SEO experts and industry credentials is essential to ensure the success of your SEO reseller venture.

We aspire to be the white label SEO partner you’re looking for. If you’re starting a digital marketing agency, expanding your SEO services, or seeking expert support in various aspects of SEO, we can provide a free consultation to explore the possibilities of our white label SEO reseller program. Access our white label SEO services today to enhance your offerings and support your clients’ success.